
OMF - Lou gets his guy: JD Martinez signs with the Red Sox 2-20-18

On you read each. Fort Wayne alimony and 48 of pro Craig. You sell now or you lose everything I can't remember a big market team like the Boston Red Sox bring back the exact. Same team. We'll come right according to ESPN's Pedro Gomez on Twitter it's done JD Martinez. Is they read something. Almost certain America. And quickly and Lou and Christian music give those stories about Johnny Damon doing those new clubs. After this. And lo me do anything like that knowledge to be honest move always felt I have a site we'll always fighting. A new thing and so I've I've LB like showing off. Are you buying according says no I don't I think he's a line I'm not buying this story one bit I think it was an exercise in cruelty. I think every free agents should think twice about going to play for the New England Patriots and going to play this man now on Sports Radio WEEI. Making them one day day and a half now looms big hit. In Fort Myers did not go Pedro tonight about a one of the greatest of all that is of target and a little bit and we've got a little. And you know trying to I don't know unit is had a little around it's just like all of effect I tiny exactly. Tilda but you know lose they can. Impressions you're talking to a lot of people of petered out similarly if you knew there well I don't know O'Meara might be a stretch but. You know he's that he's a credible source and he seems to be. She could be more welcome apparently since John Ferrell is Nolan and I don't know coincidence maybe. But here's the question I have to loom Maloney and equity guy if given vague idea of her division you know I didn't wanna talk to the big Kahuna. Well as it did you sleep in 88 by ten little room with a freak in cot in the red foes whatever. And why. And let you have a view on a hotel room. Is that the dose of stay with Bradford told for all the rights or buffer zone will hold on Louie got a picture on Oprah wins was done was lumpy yeah well. Argued the work up a problem. And whoever is you know you're not unit that period and you're you're better than most. So. Also practiced volleys to elect its a beautiful places that couple nights out just it's for the parents before there's news again. It's. Adults though. I decided that just. Out you know late. Obama called on Italy after the slew and it's pretty hold on general purpose let's say it's ultimately the entire story and every other word ready called the cellphone company. Isn't supposed to be there. Items laid back up to snuff is on his way of without knowing about them. They play. It can't hold it off now. Before the before Ollie. Work this guy got somebody else that's been at somebody you know and I love this passes I love the person we would be lost with a lump right now you could say it. We're lost we can't get little yeah you that you did do his job correctly in the first four saudis because of they would do he's working and not read on the same line you see you working this morning for four hours today and your friends like you like try to I tried I was ready I just doing a great job he thought. Beat the critical problem and and you flop all over again that would sort of mark that's good. But there anymore it affects I took a Moffett at quarterback not only that we'll see you there. It's. I don't again. If we can haze Alec Alec. Many of those don't sound like China Europe to show myself we're older Dahlia. Available on this. That is an instant I just got to come a time to get back to Lewis and illness but that's what I heard so far it's so breadth. Like he's thinking apparently and he he gets like 34 bedroom place. And what does he find this to four bedroom place if you go to accommodate the staff. You want 34 bedrooms and actually a bit and that would help the largest room that dreadful has in the the palatial estate that they're renting down there in Fort Myers. As he pulled table and a billiard table. Wonderful atrocities this Daimler you know talent and those guys is pointless I my oldest of them only game I thought hotels and nice hotel. Cool and everything like that I think people would Bradford are easily give. This over and what am I Muslims. Here and then he's not the only and I'd look ovals there's that there is time we possibly can go but in the public that's Indians on man we're nice place it was good. Vices of recent Nevada. Bob and I don't know. Usually adequate decade. Over there on the home could contemplate every out of the pool there and others. Who's so you gotta tell us why in his palatial estate that dreadful as that we're. And a bottom Smart shopper Brad so he gets a 34 bedroom place in the largest room as a billiard table and not a bad value Lou it's. Did this that it appears that there indefinitely is coming down you'll post a a guy yesterday at a hotel here tonight CO for a couple of to stay with you can't because you're acute likes so I actually set a gate what I well. So it is it's huge it's like what it's like people's feelings. Beautifully walk up the stairs it's gorgeous to look at golf course. Edit cut apparently sort of get to bed drops. One of the bedrooms that you will roll it yet I want to cite just a little pony pullout couches. Of like if rental market got a big players that there's a put as many beds at it right and get more money until I showed up public now what are what you. I'll let you go out as I so I stayed a couple of nights now about. That puts a humorous. Sleeping on a pull out countless people yelling like you're in college yeah guys like that like this rumor loan bachelor pad unless of course it's my pleasure in the league. Nice tickled that it's okay at midnight runners on how about the one of the yeah. A monthly greeted by his bullet count those days of that's that's that's for colleagues hate heights middle. Yes there's a Big Ten or go to a baseball player who created us through that through you and moderately loose you don't you have my. And you're used the migrating you know these others don't minor leagues as a brilliant about it if you make it or you're down and running back. It brought me back and that it might equality with me you know Brett vote. So what do you like what they're likable so it's I don't know all of baseball and our involvement is pop idol and punitive and rappers out did the field at 530 evenly thirds Kurds living at our competitiveness. Curtain and and gossip that's what it is so. I don't understand that the Brad foe was was doing this for the company so that they could put so many people. In one place and yet he picks some place that actually has a billion or what it. It's a bachelor pad that's exactly what it sounds like it the mail Manhattan. Thank you run. I don't release that are like a real bad housing that got them back to that wasn't back to. Cool little hole. What was it when the old school and all sold all we do that we've learned you wanted to have your version of old school. Out of port Meyers neighbors asked people to coin has asked people to join you go through some negotiation process. Got yeah you gotta get your version of the blues so maybe done maybe lobby could be blue you he can join the frat the Fort Myers frat so great by the band. Kidnap guys Brohm and their. A couple of guys you know before I would stay at my hotel on my system works today that aren't quite so is everybody feeling a lot better because they finally got their guy and I if I Marty hearing it. People sitting all well it's a front loaded contract and after two years they can lose and it's the state of the economy right now. In Major League Baseball let that sit and eat you got no choice. But you're not on. Google who care for this guy long term if it doesn't work out you gotta for a hundred in million dollars to this is a pretty good deal. Yeah but if the people that that that one part due treaty now. Right legged five years if it's five years one Teddy never leads us to look at that twenty million in my you can. That's that's fine and I think Andres eating it seven years Yoko were 3738. That it was a lot if you wanna do is to make a big deal for like two years that's it and finally which technically is a two year fifty million dollar deal. If he walks maybe he doesn't he walks. The only pitcher out there either players on his own deal the little pinky still gets hurt you want some protection does a lot of people we opened up last week do you want Judy Martinez I don't want this crazy but it still wondering. Outraged opens the book. Could it be interesting test today and we'll get to the phone calls here a few minutes but it'll be interesting to see if this reds' top. Red Sox fans because. Not only we and with on the unlikable term out there. Numerous times but there's no buzz has been zero buzz up here about the theme is this suddenly create. About a bus or is it that people feel unfamiliar with this guy's war. In the synagogue and a little aliens and partly on again there's no there's no fancy little nickname playing tricky to get Detroit one. Detroit yeah but Lou I mean it correct me if I'm wrong. You call in this is now the Red Sox all the way to World Series. The Red Sox World Series caliber like. But brown audiences which I did down playing well right now these employees immediately withdraw all yes then suddenly you're trying Bradlee and Carl Pavano had lyme Regis the human night Cooper saluting they haven't I agree with what about what are idiotic and hang. It'd be the tune that hit it says it's. They have the talent in their rotation. To do as well. I'm not say there aren't any question marks. A lot of teams that question marks. But yes this team is now in the mix it no longer. Weight behind Houston. Wait buying New York or Cleveland there now one of four teams. They'll represent the American League yes sleep in a bit out in that group of guys they want. Or yesterday. You know they date he that would have been the rock that they have yet they're the ones back to back in the division titles on got to accidents like this not you know and he stayed the same so if that take a quick update if you if you factor in health you know factor that would. There's not a lot of us. It's too early for a really long it played this in Fort Myers during the games eighth inning when it they still play this it's a low rate. Played 80 god he's that you don't you talk most on the grassy smoking some good. That's what it's doing you've been widely used on the wrong road he thought smelly eighty grams it will be nice peaceful. As usual long that's all all arena here at grain. A man baseball gods yeah. He's threatened America. Easily yes it has laid low. Grade I was below definite negative angry no it's all good. That is a science I don't I it is hearts rainbows. Pops up you guys have figured this thing out now we have is this is it Q did emotional the expectations. Got to be somewhere. This this spring training load OK this is what I picnic it means I think it can become Ed if they don't. If they don't become what I. Then we get emotional. That's what it that's what I believe they'd sell I've set the bar okay this is what I want from this team. Anything less is unacceptable. That you hear about two minutes right now that's the going rate of the people we do this is what we get it straight out right now. Now they're out there and they're shocked. So. And I'll throw up scant income snort yeah I don't see her current simple and I think in the grass is no you're gonna get the first sign that has different now that to a third base I got a bill that look at the other page I don't anyway. This backwardness and I'm going anywhere watch this I so. So that doesn't want thing I've got to ask this question so we said here and we kind of ridicule what the dealership did yesterday at the sit down. They were happy with everything that make changes major changes those changes be and coaches which I never. Understood how coaches are suddenly responsible. For what team did last year in October when they won 93 games and won the division but that's another subject. So where they just do we all ridiculous I go online everybody's ridiculing of people newspaper ridiculing it. Did buddy in the PR department over there with the Red Sox go to John Henry or Tom Warner maybe there were committed by these guys that are of the balls to stand up to and say. This to happen. Can we cooled off and doing the sit on a picnic table with the media until this GD thing really becomes a reality we know. We're closure telling me we're close we all know we're calls can we wait 24 hours and. That way you guys don't look like fools on the picnic table pity party say that either of these guys. I'm not. You know because I think that rescue got the memo I mean you went that on the TV side it will wait for sit down is pushed back the last couple of days. You know that it turns into our what needed me. You know obviously knew something was coming why sic down. And and and have a sit down interview. Before you you sign Judy Martinez a keynote apple at the next point four hours right so you're right because I still don't give them passes Lotta people. Let's just talk to grow it needs to say well in and out they signed Martinez Irving school Mike no because stuff that he said. You know he's talking about the current team as its and it didn't go off well again but he really enjoyed seeing here are some things that were sent less than what. What I can easily and actually more than I can easily used to your issue is they knew Kyoto club yet he knows that they're close. Why why why wouldn't you just wait 24 hours really took morning. And then had yet more information and you could make some comments that people don't hold against you well concussion like about it if John Henry had said anything or Tom Warner said anything along the lines. Our I don't think we're good enough to win right now we need to get help media would have loved it and the guys in the club most of these technical details he sent. Which he put a stamp so we couldn't really do that. Is what he did is. He thought I was buying a few. Hours that is the sit down they don't do a lot of these accounts right though this is something they do at the beginning of spring training they didn't have to do it yesterday which. Is the problem yeah okay oh that is the note John Henry yes it was very defense. Or afterwards and pulled Steve Buckley aside right it was a what's wrong with you. In India because their goal would have written yawkey way to bring it up you know are still bring it up you know David last year actually that everything. From a year ago any regular white guys attacked you know one or technique because talk once the year. If you talk that opening day and we can address this. That you talk to get the all star break it we can address actually that you talk to us at the end of the season and we can talk about tension. It didn't talk to bring or jockey weight that now if you talk to a three of Fort Hood walked in the spring training. There's no reason to go back and address those issues. But what you just sit down once a year you get bombarded with everything that's happened the last count a year and you wonder why it was obvious that. Talk. All we met a lot of obstacles over this command troops. Judge I usually the problem John used to talk a lot as you know and John used to walking and on radio shows you know uninvited because he keep his soft and something that he that he heard on the radio. He's gone underground and Tom Warner does a lot or of the speaking. But there but it rental we talked to rusty. Yet but don't want to comedies that Jesus autos and Cole Cole yeah yeah no when you guys are accurate offense now to witness it day it was simple we have a we have that was the first time we talked to wanted rookie year right. Sosa get the first time we we meet that goal or. A lot of things that it happened in the last eight months and a lot of those controversial things that have happened negative that's great so. So yeah we're coming at you with everything but you know the next time we talk. We won't have to address the last count a year and then move on that's what happens. Would you if they are more when you're talking more year more sensible and it just audience speak once you're down here other than a few quilts to herald. He's gonna continue to get so. Don't understand the Smart people located been very successful here and I think that Bennett terrific ownership. Especially when you compare them to the previous regime okay have been terrific. So they're Smart people harping not sit down and go over this how that happened yesterday. That they really got ridiculed and in all of this. Because they were very defensive as Lucent. It's not like the company changed me they want to talk about the previous 72 hours. And everybody else had not talked to them in seven months and they wanted to go back and read this some of the stuff how do they not understand that and where is getting. The advice let's go out to the picnic table today guys even though we are close with JD Martinez. I think within an hour after they spoke yesterday. People were out here leaking it out that they were really close within bust earlier somebody say they exist they're gonna do practice sure it's gonna happen to. Why don't chew week. And then come back out in you can sit up in the picnic table and you really kind of offset. Any type of criticism because you just signed the best power hitter out there in the in the open market now. I can't that sit down at the picnic tables and use that you love them freeze the load user and is that source is that they each every year at the same time it's like sniffling all blown up Pablo comments was that made every year at the same time. Opening remarks first date full squad meetings are all squad practice. Is that the first time they usually that traditionally when they talk. Don't think this week yeah Politico yeah but didn't have to do it yes I know I know they elicit the bronze isn't hurting. And because stayed away from camp on the first they could set there and said hey it's presidents' day. Would like to wait until it's another solid on holiday today actually and could I don't know all the kids every excuse in the book now maybe the people around them. Are intimidated by them and they simply wanted to talk that I don't know I don't know who's at fault here. But it made no sense that they took the heat that they took yesterday. And I agree with Lou I don't I don't think they've resolved anything because. Everything they said yesterday was much crap. You have a hit because they don't even matter in total we have a case you're you're talking about your game not for the mechanics just out there actually handling their PR out there doing their interviews with a part of yeah but at this point out that I don't know if that matters anymore. Really don't they didn't. We'll have upon me OK so yeah head and now so they side he's stronger samples. You know I don't know why he's wrong of you you do the whole knowledge I'm 9394. Not like I usually regular season what do you think people are gonna buy into that incident and talk about popularity of Q how does what what does that mean. Hi how you get that OK so where does that come from. That you don't win it all the Q what does the what does populated with like ability what that come from your players the guys and your team. They export comes from you can't just manufacture. You know personality for guys that don't have a personality. Our Chris Sale they love that guy he's got his. He's not talk or personality. I mean he's he's in his blog I love you get the jewels I guess what might we have on last year I was the best interview we did all year long part of. New Year's is one of those guys deputy that those two guys out there more you talk about popularity electability. Really forget about the team looked at John Henry. OK you you went to post that there's a yet to see it it's just that the craft you know what you hear what John Henry. If T awful ownership right you hear this perception of John Henry in what has he done. Since he's come here they've won three titles. It continuously opens up the wall you know last year there were restrictions. Okay and at that that's kind of comical right up to you that affect you or allowed to quote replaced David Ortiz. Fuel you know whether it's ownership whether it's a rusty you know Dick Gordon get another bat that you throw chili Davis at that bus to the office. Insurers honest David Ortiz you replace that do chili Davis that's at a point. But the thing is that this is a guy that has had 800 success as an older in Boston. We get people don't love him. You know they'll look at it would seek unbelievable job that look at it but did you Robert Kraft. You know what I and that's and that some people because they maybe they don't like. I don't know his personality they think he's too aloof and as you pointed out. He's not out to a much anymore we're now but it's what he's done but it's been a terrific home all that you were. I your arm a lot more to hear John Boroff its own Obama also but yourselves and teaches you see him like news at the NBA all star seem well John and resentments he's up there at these events. He's around he just does. He went he loved being seen out I don't I don't know that's accurate or we used to do this occasion to talk all the time he used to sit because he went into a show. OK but he could tell it there would. Craft shows up it's not that somebody puts a microphone at the space music gay when he got in delegate in his conversations. Regular talked a bit I just dictated that these guys. Would would talk more yet they don't like what comes out as well I don't know but. It's better than not talking at that just judging beat. Well Warner talks a lot more than he used to he's taken more of that role and John Henry is taken a backseat when he was god it was out front and her amber. Yeah they were doing at all. Would Laver into Kenya locked people treat Sam Kennedy and a different light than they do Larry Lucchino. Lucchino was you know a lot of people accused him of making a lot of the baseball decisions if you remember Luke that was one reason that the general manager and the president were were fighting in the general manager walked out. It's a lot different relationship. So you have Lucchino is the buffer. People aren't going to seem Kennedy to find out decisions on that baseball team and a day to day basis the overall organization if you go to Sam Kennedy. Acoustic silence is bad I agree. I really I just to me that about it. You know for its brilliant throw you in a bar one night you know there's one girl that's pretty good it's good look at just sales were urged to avoid GO. Relate pitches like stuck up and you know the cheap shot I view of unity just judge don't get don't have to read more. A major yet those come a year but to me that jotted reduce this multi millionaire and whether each gyro all whatever it is but. The less you talk. The more people judge oh you think you'd better you know we never hear from the I hear for once a year. Once a year and that people that a lot of things that coupled with them. Any it's all defensive about it which now for the next year as we won't hear from my that a quote from Merrill. This is your judgment of him. Well that's why yesterday made no sense to me and they had the opportunity to delay it. By just 24 hours they could come out today without. Actually having JD Martinez signed since the story is out there OK it's out there. That they could sit here with a smile on their face and taking much different tack than they took yesterday they wouldn't have to address as much of last year. They could address the future they could geared toward the future of the. Talk about the addition of JT yeah we need that we went out got it up. No deductible the payroll yellow right up to that number we don't care will do whatever it takes for our fans who make the call in at all by the way you know there is to be different for its approach we still think the other guys the it would have been a completely different sit down that we get yet. And I don't understand as I said there's more people that terrific owners I don't understand. What they were thinking and they thought that that thing came off well. And you know you've decided. A John Henry polling Steve Buckley sighed and you know. What's up with you people by the way the few people as offense I don't know I don't know if that's what you buy your people you people BYU payable. But eight pulling media sites that they've. Upset maybe because the questions were too tough and you became very defensive. Although he had to do was wait. 24 hours he's seen columns that easy buck said there are contender shot as he ever contender same guys that were peppering you with different cup questions. About what failed last year a certain appraising saying that the right thing. Why do you like what they are. Our worst kept secret baseball I. I don't care I think my game you know options annoy. This was his best option they are playing chicken the entire time they were perfect the way they they did this they played it they didn't and and plus one. A lot of writers group one guy that you're working with over there NBC sports' Ross joked the other patient on the got to give in the got to do something got to get more money. All because nobody else running against him your full if you're betting against the bush. You men out there the problem is now it's a topic what do microphone in front of their face it we're gonna say. Well we need to make this why just to make this vote eulogy. Email necessary change yesterday to host real. I can only get better they always trying to make I don't know but it always you don't know what they were doing yesterday you know what they were doing yesterday Lou they were protecting the bulls in the club has dated more pissed them off so wait 24 hours. The (%expletive) him off and you can sit there in a positive nature with everybody's an eagle and yet that Edwards. Lies yeah everything's positive right now their championship right. That's not decreasing cheese's 22 nights in the Brad told bachelor pad he said they're talking very positive moderates actually sounds like Brad full on the weekends. And then he's got you what a backseat in it in a some ball. Art and I don't know how 100 I don't know Laura Miller Lite sort of midlife crisis is just office is it baseball cheese. What are we gonna get you are the best thing about this an opportunity in the best thing I see from this. It is. Hanley Ramirez again that is that this audience and I don't think motivation all I think you all. You need all 100% they would aggression in the Arctic she knew I had get Al I don't get get ready because I think I'm going to disagree. On this item I'm gonna hold up the phone lines at 617 settles on 979370. Up we wanna find out from you. I you feeling a lot better about the Red Sox today. Or are you with that group that. Ever since yesterday and JD Martinez is not getting you excited Internet. Hubble put up the phone like six wants 7797937. Closed down near Fort Myers with the Red Sox. And a Christian and I are right back here in Boston to the phone calls. Keep up with the show on Twitter back away man on WEEI. Before during and after the show O clock. Let's get you back to more afford waiver of loading and 48 right now much Sports Radio WEEI. Contractually you any discussions. All for extension. You know concerned about it. I have one thing to direct him play baseball pitch the nativity. Those metal wrapped in the warm. Thing is what I it was a picture. About an agent. Among older but not general managers what would basically nothing about contracts if and when that happens all of them can take care that. I'm more about Facebook's. Off I personally wow we need to tell you about it there aren't that approach I would like I would an ad based on percentages. They feared that the percentage of players who actually. Believe it live that Pacman borrow 1% like the approach approach that he takes towards and really is. Guys get so caught up in just a numbers in the money and you wanna get the money it's like they focused on the wrong thing. He has the perfect approach but unfortunately for 99% of the league can't do. Is can't do it he is and usually armor not lose it. Is it fair to say that he might be the most underpaid. Players certainly pitcher in Major League Baseball. Based on performance in any of these guys it. Re arbitration you don't mean that it and it arbitration it'd make it 550000. That are all stars but you know we are what a guy that's under contract. No question. And everything that comes out of his mouth it's just your goal. It's nose at and I sat down the maneuvers come with these guys are more week we talked over everything he says it was just. You're nodding in aegis that last sentences it's perfect you know like we have symbolic leadership but it you know you roll your new. In aegis is basically every single year if if every ordered us to more than that your failure. He goes I have to do more this year I have to be more vocal have to be a better leader was last year we all do it just. Everything he says it is correct that don't sit in the if you guys that knows the answer questions you sort shaking your head you know you don't actually doing it but deep down Yucca. Cool you know we don't not with them. Yeah we try to trip them up last year's end. Really not pissed at how little money you're making because most guys just Thomas was beloved in this town last year. It comes up with a comment he's like sail navy game that one of the most underpaid guys in the India and what he said it out of the back of the extra. This guys signal by the worst week whatever set also color nobody's little got a truck and it's not back an important right now today and I NN devious but local car sales as he. In the audience just. Eats it up but eat he's an anomaly you can't look at him here and expect anybody else is going to be like him. He is totally so I don't like his idea like this cancer as far as the again you'll get this from anybody else who as far as the pitch clock. As far as you know how much time how to disputed the game. He's got the best answer he immediately he would he doesn't want commercial timeouts as they want and it doesn't want any of that stuff. So that's the guy that needs to be running the the players association. Who armour the breakdown saying that it to compare scissors and cut off the Aaron and generally share the reason the also invest eyes and batteries are a specific game. No more than a minute I have to between. I'm dating to are about their Phillip my phones have the time wait for him particle because we're commercials is. Student interval are two good yeah a good teacher usually I'd I. I wanted to all we we we're gonna get to the Stanley and what are all means the site Kuwaiti Martinez for him at the scheduled a phone calls. And find other people more excited about this. Lord of the field the same they felt the 2448 hours ago. Let's go to Jeff from Boston did you. The Boston. Hey guys well Jeff it's our kids. I'm very excited about it's I think it's going to be it's great Brit actor in addition to the line out I'm trying to I don't know how to get award Leo feel about what they're gonna do. But the other city. Nothing would downfield he'll be at DH. And once you get an injury did an injury you can you can you can luckily else know you can blame unless you what's if you get an injury. A much are your plans sent her right now. And in the other thing I want to talk about a KM is clearly going to be playing first base. So I I I seriously think IC I can't they just created last year I am not you know in the field yhency I don't think that's it. I don't think that some light that it is a scene out quietly. If he just seems so this interstate and he was swing in my league is that nobody Jason Garcia. A bit also you OK so he was hurt right he says something he was honestly with one arm. One and a case that he was are such a strategy okay which one was Atlanta to write it doesn't matter because Arnold lips would run back and poor Brian would you ask the blaster but he's healthy. He's motivated. Lose and wait EB twelve method out okay and now he's being chased out. I think that's important reason we're gonna get to but he's been chased that he's gonna have to you think he's that you think this is a good things on our best thing that ever happened who's gonna fly into announces he's he's got coming Brad slammed on now I don't know. Think about it and they're in the top of the core of the job done Cora. OK so now you have a legitimate way of motivating him and every mayor's court insult. Me. He is an editor analytic where one of the mayors had one of his best years what was it. Music playing first base. When he knew that he wanted to be DH when he had to prove something nobody's gonna lose news that he only had to do it for one year in the David it was always a matter I don't as a matter as he was going to get beat. The little partly OK but I hit a perfect but that's still that was the way he got his motivation that's what he got. Pushed he had a reason to be interest it do you stay into it and bush years I look at your your buying him with a big gloves argument around him correct. Absolutely because Saddam and engaged in Italy is still a very good players. That's that's that's that's that I mean that's why he is he's a guy who host these shows up any hits because he is engaged. You know and it motivation it's not really bought out quarry it's a real simple discussion announced that this discussion but this discussion. It is in the you are in every day first baseman which I hope years I don't think he traded outfielder JD UT HER every day first baseman. Now it's up to you if you hit. If you're engaged if you motivated if you reduced you've stayed there you get 497. At bats. Plate appearances that you get 22 million dollars next year. If you are not engaged. It you don't reform. That you look through with all the new face lefty you can 250. You can say about IQ 22 million dollars to mean it close to witness. Next year. That. Is motivation. That gets in the mayor's engaged. That keeps you productive for holder. I had no I know I know refresh its iris out of it it's it's not. And I have no trust whatsoever. In Hanley Ramirez none whatsoever of the TB twelve thing let's see how long last he dropped the fifteen path is right don't think it works. Because I don't think he necessarily wants to play first place. I think he wanted to be the DH he wanted to be David Ortiz this guy's gonna commit now to eighty Martinez and is going to take over his role. He now has to share first base in a platoon situation the problem is the other guy is a left handed hitter. Majority of the pitchers you're going to face are gonna throw from the right side and not allowed side he's not going to be playing every single day. He's gonna sit there and he's gonna pout he's not gonna be happy about this and I don't think the Red Sox are particularly concerned about it because well. I don't think they want him to get 497. At bats. Because I don't think they trust him I don't think they wanna do you pick up 22 million dollars or another year it's all about love him in Italy is going to be. Part on my kind of fun to Boston right that's fine that's fine and I don't he's on the happy about playing for new contract. But he's not and then I'm all about it and I mean because you know our economy and 407. Played in a but he's still he's still plane to earn a contractor earn money. And deuce and to further the illusion that he's the right guy that can be there consistently year in and year out he isn't he's he's put a fire under is asked that a player where he doesn't have the motivation is the if he isn't being paid on the sort of yes and as we always say yeah. And we benefit from easier to read on and on and on and so we bought into it we say oh my god he's a terrific series exactly with this line of lea needs and then we all I knew what we. Love and we and handling it lets us down I think that's fine candidate was when you have a won't let him yup ball back and outs you're in doubt in my opinion it's the Red Sox turn to use him. Now you get to use him now you have the leverage now you have the ability to push him I don't play equipment Moreland and you'll ever play at all and that then what's it look like. The stories out what he does an opportunity. Is to somehow. Create a new narrative this year only that's it forget oh in the pat I need Santa or at least who never a huge. We think we think 68 was. Like what we think you will replace exposure with that was that was getting through the years so that he can be yeah the big pop you ever I am wrong he proved everybody wrong. I think that 2016. Was motivated engaged in the has yet to be at first. As to what they do it left. It was also boy David Ortiz is final year so there was some motivation there for him. The ball they're performing at somebody pushing him. The whole though narrative that the Red Sox don't want it to get the 497. At bats if he is productive. And they do. You know I mean if it would Ramirez's 2016. Hanley. They do you not want it may of 2.2 million for one year. Well I think he gets to 497 I don't if Mitch Moreland goes down with a knee injury this year. But what bullet may that's I don't wouldn't miss more like Sox would be just can't hit. So then he's still he's still your only option there's two scenarios put Mitch Moreland is what his first volleys are better defensive first baseman. OK then Hanrahan and I think that's so you're under estimating what and we can do is today's result is very good fun race do you study was better I think that and then I certainly thought it was going and they likely jump from a low expectations I don't. But but Moreland is that ads for it. Because what I'm saying is if we get to see how it plays out if if Naomi Ramirez isn't productive. He's darkness he ordered its at play here x.s and it'll want to because they don't want it for next year 2.2 million dollars. But it immediately Ramirez deal at the all star break. As 300 plate appearances. End and you know he's got seventeen home runs. He's hit 285 and a formal that I could put the brakes on it. And the other not gonna sit next week slow him down because we don't want point two million now they wanna win. If he's helping them wage. They can't get what 97 or get 620. Let appearances. At end it'll go get point two million dollars next year but it's a you hit that he's not productive you don't edit who if he is all that important to back I don't think I'm being naive in not trusting Hanley Ramirez. Yeah okay he's earned his looks I get it he let you down before all is it is it thicker 68. Yeah yeah this is engaged in Italy it motivate him I don't care what motivates the man. It would he has motivated he can still hit. Out there. Here's why I feel better about this a deal of siding JD Martinez because I don't have to rely on him. But for before they signed JD Martinez yesterday we said here and said they need him. He's got to have a big year guess what they no longer need and we have a big here. It's about to be focused here's Joseph when a car Ager. They got paid on. How media yelled I know that are right he's excited to recruit I'd I'd I'd no doubt like get I don't. I'll let you write it the Red Sox played it perfectly they've really get. Up until the last minute they late and let or play it. There. Not a five year deal the hundred debt. This is 82 year fifty million dollar beat our contract. Or let's look at. What what brought it they'll put the bad position as well we're obligated to 37 beat. But the bigger picture as well how would that if we got the player we need to shiny new portrait this year. There is generation oak now. Coming out next year generational. You don't know if you plus sign that you don't. They are all went up at saint I don't know but I know now that I can't. I know now that there's no possibility candidate it aboard a player anymore I'm just not a player go other but they're not get a golden cheaper seven nation. But I don't know if that's true you can you can trade players away you can dump him in you don't pick up that money. That the following year but here's here's what I would feel so what do you look at that do. What you're upset right they just came back with the state team correct. I don't know I don't know what that bad but I did. Any and I didn't. They order had no leverage on the right are not. You can generational talent utterly. Obscures it was a generational talent that you talked Paul brings started. But got no job Itar Bert or play Kershaw. Guys like that you're upset that don't strike coming out. You put on her way to Montreal you can eyes ears as it has made the shot like that is a very good player. He is entire career at times you know yes over 900. One. Year old. IC EO Robert. Horry lean meats you London. See her all. Zero I can't right now it's. At the Charlotte not good players I did say that duty market. Eighth gold glove defenders of two way player right get it. But. I wanna sit around and wait for. Whole lot because to take me through because they're a waste of the year because of bankruptcy Kenya could be happy with that you'd probably get a goal on a radio call in Encino there's a window meter sail coming up via. Priced so liberals aren't liberal you gotta get book that's coming up years teachers are always season typical Red Sox management I hate this ownership. A unit or they don't sign anybody the next policy you know wait for Bryce Harper the Dodgers. In the Yankees are gonna open up their cash negative going there because he just wants to go to LA he just wants to go to New York. If you miss on those guys what you're left with nada. Yet day nothing. And it what do you do get some more. Yeah very good player and you edit the league player in this game of baseball is gonna say that three hole. I don't understand why that's rob. I don't I have heard this over and over again about waiting till next year because. You've got Bryce Harper in you've got the child help out if you don't know I mean which I don't may already be looking at the Yankees. And play shortstop for them for the rest of his or you don't know that harper who knows maybe the Dodgers maybe that's where he wants to go. But you you know black hole Ron hitting ability right now you're nobody in that wind up. They can they can give you the power that you need to win this guy does it instantly for. Your next year this stuff you can do you can trade guys away you can do things if you wanna at a different player in the lineup. I think they needed this. I think they were desperate and should not waver from that 110 million dollars and again what it is it's front loaded we get. To meet that was a win. I don't know how you could sit there and say Boris worm has. Brewers lost and his deal were started looking for what to Warner twenty million bucks. Us. He lost because he had no other bidders and they ran out of time the player finally probably said that he agent. Spring training started to come on we gotta do something I'd 6177797937. At their phone ever hear an element of. Lou is rocking Twitter before joining edit after they show that bloomer Loney. Moved back to more importantly we're Loney at 48 right now fox Sports Radio. And a perfect world. Romo threw two. Saw them play you know when if I was on the way. Probably nothing Novo and I think you know. We just one hour chimes. And and for the youth. If he improves and win that they're they're and the views and those those from members of I just wanna win and after who was it was two. I'm on the phone line in the morning investments you have seen the under on the appearances it was based on that you know I'm taking on what's what is it that I. Police are about one says hey this says I don't 58 it is now. Well I'm. I don't know I'm right I'm arriving Hanley Ramirez and I'm gonna be on board Hannity but first I want. And 2050 when he first showed up it was a disaster much more than anyone ever thought he would but he stayed engaging call what you want call Ortiz factor whatever it mattered he was out there he played great. The next year totally different situation you maybe you can count look at both situations they'd played fifteen he was hurt ran into that wall. Toward last year had to injure with the shoulder maybe that's part of it. But overall. This is going to be a Goodyear skirted it and it's been regardless if first he's got to know what little it different games he's telling Jennifer or English here he can't afford it to be frustrating for him his his money is on the line his future earnings. Are on the line he's gonna get this did exact situation you want a player like Hanley Ramirez is gonna get pissed that the Red Sox because he's going to see concerted effort to prevent him from getting 497. Played he's got to play he's got a chance ditch Mitch guy Lance he's got a minute Jane mentioned more automatic Mitch Moreland had 500 and eat at bats he played a 149. Games for this last year. He won't play and 49 you're right. Well play idea honest I already see the blood. So. Maybe not even a six appearances at Eagles in defensively he's. He is it left handed hitter off the bench defensive guy at first base. He Sony exec team deals Chris Young to the fourth of world that's that's what he has that's what I hope. I think they're gonna deployment Warner I I think you're underestimating. His his value and almost saying he's a great player but the option is going to be. Him and unless they are raking it in less he comes right out of the gate. And he's just raking it on you're gonna see a platoon setup and as they sent the platoon setup actually leans more and more loans favor even though we sounds good. Get a long just in India what's it could make all in good Haley premieres. Make better nearly. That's when you have to do with you that if you're out score. That's you have to do our team is better if nearly Ramirez is hitting it at first base we have a better team therefore at least your first baseman. Mitch you're gonna play. Slams lately game. Put him as a defensive purposes and sit him down. The game but it should also act like. You're hitting an apparent terrible defensive player he wasn't elderly ice Hillary. So yeah that that Mitch Moreland and Lleyton is for defense it was a bit but he's better he's the spotlight it's like hands of child out there for just. I think general I think you're over analyzing it. I think you are I think it's very simple. And he's a better player he gives you a better option Templeton situation here now from its mall and it Hanley Sox it's morally gets an opportunity he could fill the job Ian Malcolm Butler that's what he's gonna. Everybody's under the belt my partner out I just think if you're Hanley Ramirez. You're looking at what happened yesterday with the signing your JD Martinez in your role suddenly got them. He got the win. Assuming it's more of its ball would roll but will we ovals and how rules out but it definitely makes the final out each inning. Bottom of the eighth in Europe want the run balls. If help would be due up third in the ninth 01 not much of Jerry. Does now. It was Tuesday night I saw you last night on on TV I think you round timely by the way. We should try to find this same way actually revealed for the Boston marketplace last night on NBC sports Boston. The whole New Orleans staying with the football knowledge in the you know annoyed about the test yet they threw it out there and again you have it was a would Burt Briere who I don't think he had any idea what was what was going on at that time now Malcolm fail. I don't attack what Britain but you're on an am I I think you were on which relic I can't remember it and maybe it was time where that was thrown it out at you but you were talking about. The closer and the fact that Alex score is talking about using the closer. In the eighth inning specially if you get the heart of the order coming up but he. And I asked him why people can't comprehend that. That to me is an absolute no brainer that you come up with the best hitters in the eighth. You throw your best guy out of the bullpen to put the fire out in the eighth okay fireman of the year money face. In in the ninth inning you faced the bottom of the order with a less talented pitcher. And people should make or he's not gonna stand for this great Campbell's understand that because. He's got to do establish a market value would free agents. Is that argument I make any sense. How does what make it. I wouldn't be big and other general managers aren't going to understand Knoblauch with the it and that's that's a that it Connecticut intricate rules mine. You know isn't. It about 45 save opportunities you might only get 37 of whom you'd be okay with that you know. Because I mean really you're watching baseball game the Red Sox are one there in Yankee Stadium in the bottom of the eighth. And do you law. Is Gary Sanchez. Eric judge John Carlos do you tell me why Angela Carson Smith is that you're not. Why why why why would. Why would anybody. While not they'd Kimbrel face that line in the pitting knowing that if he does his job they don't come up again. And then whoever that inning guy is that you trust the tears in you re hitting guy whether it Smith the ohrnberger elect the right whatever it is. Handle that bottom third. The order what I was in a virus in the argument and in the Kimbrel was going to be upset by first of all we don't know what he's never said that. The second of all talk and all the right things right now can you tell me that the baseball general managers of that dump. That they're gonna look at statistics that saves which you know was worlds idea is one of the most balloon avionics that sketch you have an in a pitching game. It's a little look at that and they're gonna define it six to fourteen million dollars because he's got 46 saves but if he only has 32 shaved all gonna drop down to ten million. A look at it this if I've got a guy that's that good it. That I have the flexibility of the game is changing now are you seeing a lot of this. I can move into the planning to put out a fighter he's valuable to me then that other guy that's got a pitch in the ninth inning. It's still make general managers are de Bartolo. I don't know well what they're also there also use everything that they've they've got art and use all the information they got it made it 35 saves us. Yemeni shut down the hectic days of 35 saves me this guy right last year at 42 states and we gave him this. That's embarking on all that's on establishing value wanna play that's that's bargaining bargaining citadel when a rookie that's in arbitration and same Keebler and don't want. I don't know man and you go to Islam sweep last year when. When this debate came up there was two sides to it one was overuse. You know having kimbo throw five out saves. In yet Roland yet the debate was Joseph. He'll call it a pitcher in the in the in the eighth at Brigham and collected and given the ninth save opportunity. And was that Kimbrel saying that was that Joseph Ferraro saying that so there was that debate of click OK the agreement yea Campbell needs tonight. It gives of whispers that yeah it's very important to get voted to get that they've noticed that DA. Two years ago he sucked in non save situation some people said it was all in his head you can't use in the non censored to a different set what what will pop last year cold it is non save situation questions tremendous right. Its current. So. Listen I I think this is crazy that you've got to pinch him in the ninth inning and you lose games because of that. Could you putting a lesser talented pitcher in the eighth inning against our new York and even recipients have we got to do it to protect his value. And I'm a free agent market. Public general manager I'm looking at his value it coming into the league wishing the Yankees to other teams do this right. I don't get it but apparently it's an argument the only way it's and it's an issue. Is if it's in Craig Kimbrel said I would think talk and you tell me it's not. All it on I'll tell its concern. You think it is at least a brilliant at I think that it's it's conversation needs to happen all he's saying all you know saying all the right things. Right now which is which is beautiful but on to say closers. Are different animals that's all day of the care with a save there on top of their game. It's not a strict Campbell look around the game's best closer in the game when it's not a sea of opportunity is less. So a lot of it is mental just. Yet now it's got to be a discussion to make sure he's he's OK with it mentally and here we go this with Clinton you know. Which Christiane when you need a guy that doesn't give a rat's I think on which one it is and Asia say something to be discussed any. So. I 6177797. Inches several were right back to the phone calls commitments.

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