
OMF - Eagles' guard Lane Johnson is all about FUN, Super Bowls be damned 2-12-18

You ready. Fort Wayne and pony and 48 the preacher anyway is that there's a fear based organization I think you're going joy to say I had a lot of fun playing there. No I don't make good interviews bit light. Robots are all of Motorola have fun and and and win a Super Bowl than being admissible in revising rules I know I'm in the minority I feel for board's unanimous front but it was a good store. I think he has to supplement droplets are right that's in the skulls are. This columns suddenly 5% through with Glenn Lou and Christian you know the gut reaction on a personal level did sadness you know a lot of people have done the parallels between what happened. With me ten years ago on him I don't really see any comparison basically because. At least the mind. I can own and say whatever mistakes were made were mine I just come back to what does it say about. I think you've taken joy from that I don't know what the F is wrong with you on Sports Radio WEEI. Gorgeous mistakes were unfortunate to just get taken. Somebody else. Leslie Johnson. I comments is that makes any sense are you just won the Super Bowl. And he is certain area you you got to bring up the whole you know patriot situation. And in the complaint indicates he would rather win one and five. You're there what what do you mean by that when you were talking about it was kind of in relation to the pretty boy stuff Tom Brady broke down. So I am the human gives you an aspect of football where you can tell yourself yeah outside the box. Just strained though the nature anyways there's a fear based organization obviously do they win hell yes and women once for a long time to upgrade envoy enjoy it has to say I had a lot of fun playing there. No doubt where it messes got our issues. Are they successful what woman go to interviews bit light. Robots right and made the sovereign. Would you records or for a little bit as you do unit to do this job one time so let's let's have fun while we're doing a lifetime like. Millennium I do reckless way how much we'll have fun and and and listen Bolden be admissible in this. Don't in the previous wins I assume. Impossible three and outs I was interviewing him that John Richie and ethnic. Joseph Richey Edwards he's done that weekend arsenal are ever done it the only good news for Fauria. In the same week he gets to spend another tough week I guess that's that's pieces of chlorine is done for five or so whether it's you do you live right. Zealot and assault and assault. Let's hope that miracle up car. This car McCarthy I don't got caught. That's not good when you have both assault and the do you. And regency was it February to fall was arrested. Is reducing its celebration affiliate lasted. Were mostly weak peaceful but not necessarily old incident courted John Cornell Philly dot com former Eagles fullback and local radio personality John Richie. Was arrested for DU lines simple assault last Friday morning. Hours after fans packed the streets for victory great. Also Ritchie 43 year old Ritchie also faces charges of recklessly endangering another person is released without bail was a court date marks for this was the parade down. Barely noticed market. So he didn't even have an opportunity now to continue the celebration while both are big careless via a week. A fear based organization. Fear based organization that he just won the Super Bowl you bake them credit for beating them but you throw them. Crap I think you know I watched that got an NFL network they have all the right all the syllables and watched the end of the Atlanta Falcons doable in two years ago and airport example last. Those guys that are there and blast winning a Super Bowl. Is it when I wrote those that surrounds them that the there was fear based move it said of getting Oregon duck boat approach why isn't the only way I understand that but you know they win and it's not easy. Being there and there are some I'm sure the complaint. You know they'd leave the usually guys that maybe don't have a great experience. With the New England Patriots but. Winning is fun. Especially be put the war get you don't it's hard it's you know at the end result is we're always going to be there. So that's what professional sports is about. Tonight again did the patriots are an organization that people wanna take shots that may have over the years and whatever pitcher a top rate now. In world champion. If you sit there and making a dumb stupid statement. That she would rather won't win one and have fun vs what amounted reckless Wednesday how much have fun and and win a Super Bowl and be miserable and you know as we advise suits. Let me ask it is what is it the Philadelphia fan base is thinking right now would they are win one yes once you guys have thought much more fun having fun. The Philadelphia fan base at. I want five world championships your brother marquis flowers retreat. Three d'alene Johnson's comments feasted are known marquis flowers as you guys are clearly and he does little sleeping a multi. A lot of hot air five Super Bowl wins is five times more funded one just dumb statement to make your own fan based do we do it one of our players and saying something that stupid. It would be all over his ass. Oh yeah as it it's indicative price makes that statement what are we stay here. The the patriot thing is interesting right because they do. Wonder when when the bubble burst we all know that's when Tom Brady retires in my mind. You know when you can no longer be chipped children and teens gone a moment were saying that in we don't build the year let's negotiate for years near ten and sixteen wreck and I just collapse but it won't be the same visual believe they can win. They'll win their division to get to the post season you say at least fourteen to compete in me if they get the suitable to gonna boost. It's gonna kind of be what the Red Sox deal right now 93 wins when you division two years in a row but nobody really believes just now what he got to be now I gotta be likable team. Now I get a view of the Bruins are doing nice it'd be the Celtics. Maybe they can't win it but I like watching them and may be that this stuff wears then with the New England Patriots with the way they go about their business justly turn into the Red Sox. Cute but nobody really follows the beach let's not banged out each and every week I think that's coming. All the central bullish to be sure based. Yes there will be here don't feel peace funk is open winning as much. It makes sense I just think for a guy that just you know one a running. They want a championship something that the people of Philadelphia been waiting for for how many years never once since the week we've started this whole Super Bowl process. And you can tell fan base in Philadelphia until almost fans rather win wanted to have a good time so the fellas have a good time where. Rather than give you fans out here five Super Bowl championships. I would sit said that's crazy ice now and eight days slow and I am going to stick with my theory and I I get ridicule last week. It was Kirk and tell him my good buddy Kirk and Hampton was destroying me on Friday try to make fun of me doing the in impersonation. A neat by the way. I want all impersonation of me drop on the radio station. I am I am serious about this. I am not gonna put up with that anymore shouldn't impersonation should be eliminated. If demonstrators station in life I feel. In a market wall wallet to happen at this radio station anymore it's warning for you you you you you. But there ridiculing him because I came up with a theory the other and somebody spent some time to sit down I can figure out what was going on because I think we all came to the conclusion. It was not disciplinary action. Taken against Malcom bought and we all believe that welcome Butler is a pretty good football player. So instead of just sit there and and Benito is so nobody's come up with any major story here where he went off the way we've heard a few little tidbits of information. One coming from my charity. Who said that none and no it did not happen just before the game. Players were informed about his days in advance that kind of got a fielder in the course of the week he was not part of the game plan. And then kind of go back and watched the game and you look at the game plan you say to yourself. It's a two point game for the patriots. It is safety heavy because they're concerned about the running game of filling they're concerned about this then the and one pass option. And so he would have to be either the left cornerback or the right cornerback and build its decision the Gilmore was going to be on one side. And then the other side it was going to be Eric were. And he did not deem him. To play deal the the few plays that were played. In defending the slot which bad mostly polite and he certainly wasn't reported the safety position so. And I understand what people coming dominant second half saying. They were potential portly. How is it that he doesn't command there will horse he got to commend therefore. Because I think bill looked at the game plan instead it was either Gilmore oral and after the 21 series. You look at a token to say could have been better most fuel Richard Richard place safety no but they moved guys around so much junk is covering guys in the slot. There's a fourth. Quarter amid a fourth safety he's chosen a football game was it just coverage don't cover guys out there and but Malcolm Butler struggled on the Jacksonville game struggled to tackle in the in the Jacksonville game struggled against the running game in the Jacksonville game. So he might have been looking at it can't. I'm not trying to make excuses for dollar check don't you let him get attentive and actually I'm in your ma right here we like on the net. Yeah I mean the only one that's like defending I'm not defending them and trying to come up when big reason. At least until you realize don't you run to Miller sent it makes. Talking about no sense at every four quarters and dissipates it this guy can't go in and out unfortunately Christian couldn't be here today but Christian agreed with my. Apprentice last week. After looking at the game. Roll after the first two series played well the only ultimately great. You agree QB like a simple as that he played in well I said he played well to graduate on corners I already told you have to produce a theory about the one catch fourteen yards five targets yet to pass break up there with seventeen missed tackles in the game by the New England Patriots not a single one by Eric Roberts great to. But build us think differently than we thing. Doesn't he doesn't look at the name on the back of the Jersey is the spot where he's got to play he's a better player. He looks at the game plan and the fact that of getting 595. And I cornerback going up against the 63 it's not a good match up he does look it's stuff like that if it's not. Disciplinary. Low. This whole idea that it's a grudge and I'm gonna stick at the Malcolm Butler and I don't give a rat's ass about lose. The Super Bowl I noticed that to this kid. Is it's. It makes no sense but how they held the dog bed you know become the greatest coach of all time if he's Eddie. And it's all about is you'll think they're willing stubborn. No I don't you don't I do not believe he thought. That under this game plan could be wrote in this little there's no question he can be wrong but I don't think he believed. That could help him win this game that effect he probably thinks that day. The same thing but it would have been worse for us in that situation I'm just guessing works might pay. He might have looked at his role after the first two series ball. Played well he did he was not the problem migrated that a motion you can you can throw and a Jordan Reggie should conduct Jordan Richard placing different position. He doesn't play the same position and he doesn't. Just because there's no defense summit but that's the that's the problem that's why it's gone on for so long that's why you see he's got little soft and I slicing like reporter's beat guys of former players that they're saying well. He's got a dress with the team. Why don't have to address it with the captains on this team why he sat at Malcolm Butler never played it it was because the white states acts because the players probably you don't think there are many other times the players look at the game plan and thing. Holy crap what the hell is Belichick thinking this week this game plan makes no sense you're gonna win and how often right. On to say no they win the game of a lost decade or lost this or it works candidate be different if they lost this game late 23 to twenty. But they didn't they couldn't stop defence of somebody. Gotta give me a different reason. I'm at least doing some legwork here and give you even relate to work your gasoline as everybody else what legwork you don't want to talk of giving you the rundown our own right. You tell me did I want I love everybody wants or ridicule me and again no more impressions. In that means a lot of every year. I sort what I say that aren't so that it's personal that he stubborn that is like ticket. Did he wanted to to accept a certain offer he didn't take it's an all year long you like the weight played. Maybe just like his personality. Maybe let the weight walking around that locker room. Maybe felt like he shouldn't hold a grudge to Stephon Gilmore and the amount of money he did it feel like the fact that he didn't camp didn't show opened in play well. We like the way played all the season. And just set density ought Scarlett you're gone at the end of the year. I don't like playing this kid anyway it's a one of the public lose and lose at these guys is if I appreciate the way they are even over an honest count as Malcolm Butler and as much as I'm seeing him run up and down the field and I think this guy can help spiral I don't like of. Is it possible yes it is and I don't like you and eventually I'd like you marketed to little. Your opinion are a little tired this you walk I think there's a 3% chance you're right I think but when you look at the entire track record of this coach. He's been pretty damn good with this stuff and there have been many other times in which was sent there it's at the hill they do in this and they do want to. He does stuff sometimes that is on orthodox but when you go back and you look at this and you try to break it. That's what it has to what else could possibly be a lesson is discipline action. That and this is what he was don't but I think that would amount by now don't you eight days if Calgary it is correct. That he's got to settle up with some of the does do some of the guys are puzzled. In that locker open don't you think that if there was something that he did wrong even if he was late for something to a meeting whatever they are now that would be Alpine. And if he was that his support practice they note to yes okay so. Why did you explain that accountants. Wise lot of people feel like he's gonna sit down with them. At the exit interviews. And have these conversations these players or dress it next year as well as we if he did that though. I mean would that surprise you how they'd be in the because they don't do it either. Oh yeah but he probably he's done it many times before I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't. Explain situations I played this guy over this guy because this was a bad match up forced the changes up every single week. They claim and one week they play you know that zone another way to play this they play two guys up front they they do different stuff. Because they're going up against that he I think this was more football than anything else. It was a matchup problem he had not played well league game before. It was what Philadelphia was throwing at him with the running game the fear of the running game they were playing safety at the and they were using two corners. He was not one of the first look at for those people its appearance in an interview I didn't record yet so wide and they were using force safeties and actually having one of them political use they use three quarters very rarely indicated. But back to look at it very rarely and again. So the thing because it was mostly two quarters. The the the thing is that that they do change from week to week based on the on the game plan. And the the the the thing that I keep on hearing people say why did he just not trust him at all. Would guess what if he really wanted to stick to the kit that would have been the way to do we don't like dog as a matter of audit that's why. So these are you. It was more about himself he was worried about it and he wanted to win the game. So you're telling me that he purposely kept up or was the better option he kept Butler route for his own ego. Any jeopardize is losing the game of the millions of losing again. How does that helping Bill Belichick. Powdered pot how do you keep much of the game or. How do you justify keeping him out of the game after watching that football game with bodies coming in and out. Whether it's batter most U Richards. How can you justify it to be getting him out of the game just ran it all down for two corners safety heavy. He is not one of the top two quarters against what oh well I'm against those bigger receivers safeties and at one point. He's on the safety and I can tell us if there wasn't or safeties that's 'cause they could beat it wanna use Malcolm Butler that's right. Now now now. All because that's all they were playing for that Ron he's an outside corner holding a bush and he's not paying goodness body was awful in the slot last year if you're young and a slot the cover of challenger. That's done that all you do is there a fearful of the running of the one deaths among. At least I come up with a theory. Argued somebody's gonna wait for you know of the wheat to pop up you know that story and others come up with a theory to. And everybody's entitled unwilling to accept that still don't embarrass the one that would be a logical. I would say other mines very logical. It's football related and it's a football coach most of the other guys and makes our for the two for the betterment of the did you the other guys are better. He thought the other guys have been in this situation he did that additional cents. Make no sense that they're not stop the guy is because there's not to you know playing so poorly because they erred in not once halftime adjustments you have naked but when you look there indicating that he just might never analyzed and checks just yank. We said he talked about Malcolm Butler. You can't Lou we talked about how are struggling in a problem but it was not what we ask and I Malcolm Butler. But he wasn't garbage the minute sitting here have a conversation a week ago on the welcome Butler really struggle in the Jacksonville game he had always missed tackles couldn't handle the running game Bill Belichick decides. Along with other guys and an expert talk of an outlet. A doctor on November talking about not handling the running Wii game we talked about and are talking about. Having an expectation for the play of Malcolm Butler have to watch him for a couple of years and not feeling like he's living up to that expectation is that though so that's now. You take the other expectations OK let's just look at him as a quarterback and not the expectations that we built up because he seems to play at a high level. Is he garbage is he a liability. On the anybody thinks that yes are they just not as great as we once thought. I think bill thought that Eric wrote was a better option against the bigger receivers and the way that they were gonna defend the Philadelphia Eagles for fear of the running game. It was a safety had a game. What's more important role in animals actually suck at the Eagles or potentially. The way we don't. He's the coach he's making that decision we made that decision. We don't we don't know we don't know what Malcolm would look like now. You're right we don't we we don't know how we never gonna rely on us I was when she plight is the real honest with college he admittedly regain the otherwise we get that it would give you an idea several week percent of all week everybody and that'll stop let him I would delegates have been Ecstasy listen eight days. Anybody else come up with a a batteries I haven't heard that everybody who. Every bullet went you know don't let anyone wanted to me wanna go all the wheat of excitement every once that's foolish foolish stubborn and he purposely tried to damage bill O gelatin there are coached by keeping their Alley out on the game your studies and because ice that got Malcolm Butler on the bag I I don't know how to do. I'm ugly and don't tell things. Are down because I say that why not play but because I don't know if he plays that music notes due to mention it when that L and Belichick was thinking that I use that's why he's become the greatest coaches. They've second I'm going idiotic why don't you go up like that happen in the first half. That that's how has become a breakout young like how strong democratic luncheon is darker my golf. Later in his career cuts that apparently. He goes about this and this is damned if you have a sense of focus my makes aloft on a sense I'm glad you guys that not a person they should have me because I'm telling them or don't. Well let's stop this he did mention India. Says yeah. More in the mid day with Bo van and a sport away where ammonium 48 on Sports Radio guy. I Johnson. I don't know what he's talking about I have a lot of fun there was so many times that. We would speak out meetings the entire team meeting would erupt in laughter warplanes are on the team plane were so what we do so we had so much play in the ones that I was there. I cannot. And Stanley say that. What relationship and you wanna double play with your coats and hopefully. Those guys go ahead but let pot and that's an if you want but if you wanna learn how to win games and consistently win games throughout throughout your career. You play for nobody to take. Tedy Bruschi responded only generally mostly he's just so stupid I'd rather win one one. And then be part of a fear based organization if I want a relationship and you wanna double play with your coats and those guys of them. That's a great that he's a terrible marquis flowers between them yelling John yeah he's back at different where where these fires and realize this about him. Greg Bedard apparently yeah we have the story Boston sports journal. And headline is Bedard defensive break Jim Bedard mark keys flowers is role among the bigger failures more than Butler issue. The most peaceful hovers retreated and you know that the motive the guys slap in his forehead and he sees you got all the answers question mark. More than coach Belichick who's been with who spend more simple balls that you've been with women. After I like this guy he's he's gotten fund L who felonies on heaven funnel all over today out of some of these phone calls here eight days now. We mean it's been eight since the Butler thing nobody else is delighted with. Other than boo you that they'll check they're going to go to the issues that people just sticking it to the guy does become the greatest coach in the history of football but in the warriors don't think my aunts on rides is that so he doesn't care bowl winning it's about sticking out of somebody's you know what is even Tuesday keep this little logo is Stephen Wooster high Scaife. Hey Glenn went missing US theory would work perfect it would remain after the first couple. You mean the first quarter the first half after that that darn good nothing was working in second Oakland built to protect. Well Oklahoma loses to Oklahoma once just once I was Gilmore work. I watched that double just doesn't work. Did you watch as good. I don't I am not well and I argue the point they go back and watch the game again. Watch the game a bit in the first two series and by the way Erick road did stop a touchdown forced them to go for field goal. In the first series second series gives up the touchdown from that point on. He allowed one catch for fourteen yards five targets yet to pass breakups he was not an issue. So Belichick is looking at this took place is like employment. I can play for Gilmore or complaint for Eric row and he liked the way the both of those guys were planned according to the dark but it should play. Mark is linebacker. Get that correct. You know you look at what happened on the pit we're tackling pediatrics and what about why is he should Asians we will talk about how what how. How are weighing in arm. It's just try and. He was even they were playing two corners. Routed duke playing two quarters out of their choice correct numbered and that's that's the problem right they shouldn't have. But so I mean it got the good guys in this who's governed a slot you get two quarters. It was game playing was bad because he had this is yet to keep Butler out of the game at all cost. Because you got to know just some of abortions luster right that was the knuckleballer takes Eric rose like it's a ripple effect out about the Butler takes Derrick Rose bought our. Eric rose covered the guy in the slot. As opposed to batter most GO Patrick Chung and Jordan Richards to install the game please send these little different position I was getting caught our guys yet don't don't differ. Here's a David a cart date. Hey guys I do want on your. This one will we like you're right. That was estimated yield went on we're playing well a lot of plays that would be out. The secondary. Like it would. Well the secondary will court would look should be it should have a voice because he sucks the the second half. The secondary under. I'm on the board only one along the only gun I heard it appears that Devin mclarty's bad. Iran Commerzbank bought. We're a lot. Why it would hi how way to arrange played and they had a better. People don't realize now got that may well bridge mean welcome all of a player. It. Or it'll. They'd they'd stay on point don't tell me like ladies right would you agree with we are mine wrong war with. And move. At least keep him. You're what winning. At. One point lead. And completely remember. All. All and it was all but 11 in the school eighties apple white. You went forward and what they're out in it that would be. Let's do you agree. And to bring up because I gotta we gotta I'll call you realize no I'm not agree with you like it allows people angry with me here and I always thought they're coming it was a male the last plane that you have read only confidently according has now that if you know I hit a terrible game a terrible tennis against this secondary desolate all year long people want plus it wasn't just me don't you but here's the is blessed with a talent. Election wasn't here's the problem I have with you or your idea. And others who sit here because you can emotionally upset because they lost the game and you sit there thinking that it's all that chair just trying to be able Bill Belichick just stick it the people. You know that it's personal. And I and I've heard others say the same thing. How is always operated with playing the best players he did not think that Malcolm Butler could help women naked. If you could you can argue with his game plan and the way he approached him they were going up against that run pass option. And he went to the gym goers and you have been dogged out at the front to think. Eddie you don't want it because it was personal anyone noticed that the Butler wouldn't take a cheap and I think before you in this yeah yeah. Your point is that bill didn't think Malcolm Butler to help them connect correctly thought a little bit of that is the difference. You agree with it because that's what bill thanks. Yeah that's what it wanted to question to you could tell us if you take us about welcome Butler was gonna help you win that will what I'm on are you make you know I Lorillard priority said last three at. Solid isn't you know it doesn't think he could wind and bill must be right I said last week well it's just I said last week I says I said updates. Talk about what why was apologies why wouldn't you at least were ride Butler little that I brought that up but in bill's mind. He didn't think he could help of any other normal against Jacksonville nuclear. I didn't I don't I think he's been good. I think bill's been known are the guys are pretty god diplomatic district crap OK let go Sox you can go you can think that I think he should be fired you can make I think he's awful you could think. Here's bill in Newton I don't. Hey if it partner up Biotech really thought that Butler couldn't help him at that point. With that game plan in the second half and how he called the greatest coach ever because it was the same pay sucks. Saint to corner to corner. Complete all eight receivers that can't there was more than two receivers out there when you're losing. McCourt get to cover guy and Chong is. Because they were fearful of the room you plan to run they were playing safety heavy because they were fearful of the run. A runner so what we're doing bill I know what we're doing is they were fearful of the run they took a gamble admits calls. Horrible. View you're gonna like. Brian. He is. You're right it's a syndicate at this point it felt. Even notice it. Right out all want your lot bigger glitches that aspect of it don't help. It go let me ask him. Last week when you were talking about when you're talking about the game last week in you which on analyze it with your friends or whatever. He's one points could you obviously thought the patriots even when he gained major patriots and was not one of the but I think they're gonna win but it won't be talking points probably that nick foals will screw this thing out. No one in my pocket and really what. The eagle we're gonna blow them away after one quarter right now I am gonna blow them out one quarter write that watch out it. Sent it off at night ever seen and their best corner of second bout order in spectacular on the team. Well defense on the other defense was just is that until they were just as you had the same that everyone had except that all last week up for the crowd of bills then it must be all last week Louisville does your buddies you did the same sentence did you not to dissect it I don't find I'd go back and fight it we said nick. False gonna screw this thing up. That's what they saw. They were fearful of that running game because they saw against the run so we pack. That in Nady played more for the home run. They thought that they could get falls to make the mistake by pulling with all are with what they had in the second quarters and six or who's better at that well they didn't lower or down vote they didn't know it. They didn't do it because. They thought that they they gonna stick it bought them because of the contract this is what people are saying it's ludicrous to what he thinks the Bill Belichick is gonna stick it to Malcolm Butler on the biggest stage when bills on stage as well and bill looks like a fool. And that's what he's gonna do word Rodney did for four weeks away one of our best pac. We're gonna flood dissect that and he's a better tackler mountain bump. All about it. Of an attack that's what they got almost need to act that person out and that there to tackle the great shots and Japanese attack. He's not about to tackle the Butler. He's a better I think it's easy to make it's understandably this USA today story about how you know. He put his. Awful corners out the gate nick full profile than I don't know I don't but that's the object of weakness in on the bureau and I got on the wrong and I also does he want and all the full and I also don't know if you put double lined out iris Lewis stopped the rot little high level of brick and click safeties and called on corners and on the book other guys who I also don't believe that you become the greatest coach in football history by being being vindictive that. Just stick oysters to the players because players wouldn't accept the money you were thrown plea deal he portal he wouldn't it. I'm going to be important in the got it now it's voted no you don't want to know you don't found I found out found that settlement was about a player can do more for them and how does that work out. Because we have the same argument when that happened. Remember that game went ahead and started over a Wes Welker people were up in arms what is called Alex how can you put settlement out there over walker automatic thing if you walkers don't like. The player be such a genius why waste salary cap on Wes Welker had Edmonds team. Why even franchise tag him if he's such a genius and realized it was better football player why you bring welcome back so he won't say he went settlement settlement he felt was a better he was right about that. Cable why not let the why Britain's first similar to what we're talking to Barbara why franchise tag welcome. Why tag and we may want like want to. It would mean what I mean he franchise tag Wes Welker they tried to sign to contracts. He didn't want to sign a contract. You know that there's any hard feelings of bill Wes Welker his contract the schedule their music alternative energy had a bit affordable dollars. With it wasn't huge contract like while got to tell us that don't bring back on. On the but it's very similar to the situation now he does not think Butler. He does not think by popular is that players that you'd think he is and others think he has that's an loss that you're all the systems and the game plan Rangel didn't let anyone does a very once we got. Go almost like we're down one more cent of them and there and we waited and a lot of them. Things didn't work on glee and the scoop it. Learn how big. Blue in crisp you. Fox Sports Radio. If you go back and look at the game. Eric growth played a pretty good game. She gave you the numbers were allowed one hit fourteen your your numbers on the way they were ten catches for. And tenth place. They went for longer than fourteen yards and making him better five targets and two pass break living. When he went ballistic and those covered against. To better most instead of I was hero who was 5 August amid Patrick Chung that Ruffin why I was trying to slot just allegedly were playing with safety. Heavy lineup because of the guys were irritation of other. It was a little while they're vastly different about this fire and military drills and the reason why Chung was in the slot did you get to work or three guys today. No tool lets Jeremy I'm originally I Dahlia well that was a policy helping go for the Alley because he was the original flash Whelan on the leash and you'd know. Sean battered and off and and I'm not surprised that he wrote the piece that is it was really really well done. I'm just surprised that she held a gun to people saying I am bitter right that's what is I don't know my question was who put the gun to his head at that don't know Tommy's gonna get to read it though until he was like data I'm on his forehead he's a guy. Arafat at all right it's interesting that you say that because I've got to believe that Sean did a great job and I didn't really terrific if it was John and yes he did a terrific job and it had to kill him. And that Paul Pierce made sure that you pointed out to a tummy and Mike and Max Max. And the guy who actually wrote the piece that brought a tear at the Paul Pierce is little. There. He's looking at it and he never mentioned his name but I did notice online. They allegedly produced it it was excellent Willie Brown did you see that as the audio version of itself with the exact same script does say I got the ball political opponent and that but guess who voices this that would show I remotely. Right. So be were you talking about how the patriots are. On fun team to play Witten. I guess a guy who's never played for the would know that. But will talk about that in and obviously some Celtics that organized person in Aruba. Get the opportunity. That we're gonna call John Richie and asked him. Opportunity gag you know what I think and probably gonna stay which can dance and on people's grave about the way I would just wanna throw usage could you do this every once in awhile. No more impressions of that. And I don't know and go out there aren't sensitive note please stop at. The way overweight and he. I. Dale pan keeps coming up next it's slow and I tomorrow unfortunately the art and if there were out. And you know not to recklessness and say hello I would much rather have fun and then there would assume Bolden be admissible in. You know in the previous week five suits.

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