Urban Meyer apologized Monday at his weekly press conference after a video circulated over the weekend on social media showing the Jacksonville Jaguars coach in an intimate situation with a woman.
Meyer, who is married, appears to be dancing - or being danced up on - with a women who wasn’t his wife, Shelley.
“I just apologized to the team and staff for being a distraction,” Meyer said in his Monday press conference. “It’s stupid. I explained everything that happened. I need to own it. I should not have put myself in that position.”
He went on to say he’s apologized to his family, who, obviously, “are upset” about the situation.
“A coach should never be a distraction,” he added.
Meyer said he was at an event and people tried to get him on the dance floor and were “screwing around,” and he should have left. He added he never should have put himself in that situation.
“I just have to do right,” Meyer said.
The topic was roughly two minutes of a 11-minute press conference.
He stayed in Ohio after his team’s Thursday night game last week to visit with grandkids and family, which explains why he was still in the area.
“The team is good. They are focused on Tennessee,” he said of his team’s reaction to his explanation.
Meyer, the former Ohio State coach, is in his first season as the Jacksonville head coach. The Jaguars have started the season 0-4 after a loss to the Bengals on Thursday.
“It’s devastating, heartbreaking,” Meyer said after the game. “Usually I’m not wrong about stuff like that, that I just see a good team in there. I see good guys, good hearts. I see guys at work and I told them I’m not wrong about that stuff. This team is going to win some games.”
The Jaguars play the Tennessee Titans on Oct. 10.
College football analyst and former Florida Gators Tim Tebow said last week he believes his former college coach will stick with the Jaguars.
“The one thing that I’d remind you of is when you say, ‘He might not last. He might not be around for a while.’ The other quality that he has is a crazy determination. He has a crazy determination. So while it might be hard, I think he’s going to be really determined. I think he expected to win all of those games. I think he expected to be 3-1 or 4-0,” Tebow said on “First Take.”
“He is taking that hard. But I also think that this dude is super resolute and super determined. I think he’ll continue to tweak and mold and change and get new guys in there and adapt and do whatever it takes because he’s so determined. I don’t think he’d quit without finding a way to turn the tide a little bit.”
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